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We would love to know your thoughts on these questions to help us better support our members.
You can submit answers to any/all of these questions using the form below:
1. Why did you / would you join
2. Are you a dental laboratory owner or part of the dental laboratory team? (if neither please state)
3. How do you currently claim ECPD hours?
4. Do you attend online webinars? If yes, what type of webinar is of interest to you?
5. Do you like to read dental technology articles? If yes, what topic is your favourite?
6. Do you attend study clubs and if so where do you find them?
7. Do you find learning from video content works for you?
8. Where do you look for potential job opportunities?
9. Do you like to receive exclusive discounted offers on relevant products?
10. What is the main thing you look for in a newsletter?